
Based on the law on the system of public education, children and students can continue to complete their preschool and compulsory education abroad, i.e. in the territory of the United Kingdom. The regulation of the public education system does not distinguish between the completion of preschool and compulsory education in terms of whether the child or student fulfils this obligation in an EU Member State or in another country. The rule remains that when a child who is required to attend nursery for four hours per day fulfils this obligation abroad then the parent is required inform the notary competent for the child's place of residence or, in the absence thereof, his or her habitual residence, within 15 days following the last day of the deadline for the enrolment. Similarly, when the child who is required to attend nursery for four hours per day does so abroad in the future, the parent is required to inform in advance the notary competent for the child's place of residence or, in the absence thereof, his or her habitual residence.

In the case of students not yet enrolled at a Hungarian school, information on the pursuit of studies abroad must be given to the district office with competence over the students’ place of residence or, in the absence thereof, their habitual residence. Students already enrolled at a Hungarian school intending to fulfil their compulsory education abroad, the notification must be addressed to the principal of the school.

Recognition of qualifications and certificates gained and periods of study spent abroad, including in the UK, remains unchanged, and is regulated by Act C of 2001 on the Recognition of Foreign Certificates and Diplomas. When students subject to compulsory education return to Hungary, they must present at the school where they want to continue their studies the educational certificates obtained abroad. The eligibility of primary and secondary school studies started, but not completed, abroad takes account of the legal status of the foreign educational institution, the study time and the training requirements, based on a comparison of the Hungarian and foreign compulsory education. The school’s head decides on the year in which the student concerned can continue his or her studies. If the continuation of school studies would be impeded by a lack of knowledge of the Hungarian language or by the difference between the standards of the foreign and Hungarian schools, the head may, with the consent of the parent, authorise repetition of the years already completed, or for the student concerned to participate only in catch-up sessions and language lessons until he or she reaches a suitable level of competence.

The withdrawal of the United Kingdom, for the time being, brings no changes for the participants in the Erasmus+ programme. Further information about UK higher education qualifications can be found at:

Information about professional qualifications in the United Kingdom can also be found at:

Erasmus+ Program:

Following the withdrawal, the United Kingdom will not participate in the Erasmus+ programme, so Hungarian students will not be able to apply for learning mobility abroad for British universities.


